Luiano di Mercatale al Vinitaly col tagliere volante di chef Duccio
La Fattoria di Luiano situata a Mercatale Val di Pesa (Firenze), presenterà le nuove annate dei propri vini insieme a originali abbinamenti gastronomici sia nell’aspetto sia nella modalità dal 7 al 10 aprile al Vinitaly (Padiglione 9, area D1). Insieme allo Chef Duccio Pistolesi e al tagliere volante!

Chef Pistolesi guest of honour at the Augusta Curtis Cultural Center, United States
A meeting for Italian cuisine at Meriden, United States. Duccio Pistolesi who represents Tuscany gastronomic art.

A laboratory of patisserie for the young
A meeting between excellent cuisine and Christmas atmosphere. The Chef Duccio Pistolesi is teaching kids how to create cakes.

Showcooking by Chef Pistolesi at Toscana Fuori Expo, Milano
The event "The Tuscany of Chefs" will have among its leading figures the chef Duccio Pistolesi for a unique culinary experience in the capital of Lombardy.

Review of Chef Pistolesi cuisine at the Zucchini Restaurant in Brazil
Flavours and recipes of Tuscan cuisine exported one more time in the world courtesy of Chef Pistolesi.

A lesson in coking to teach the art of making Tiramisù in America
The University of Greeley in Colorado is hosting the Italian Chef Duccio Pistolesi in order to learn the secrets of one of the most loved Italian cakes.

At the Cordon Blue Cookery School, Chef Pistolesi conducts a wine and food session
On September 21st a Cooking show on Tuscany cuisine curated by Duccio Pistolesi: a route between cooking and recipes of the best regional flavours.

Interview by La Repubblica to Chef Pistolesi: the cuisine for Valentino Rossi
The full article of the National newspaper to the chef of the young drivers of Motorcycle GP.

Duccio Pistolesi the new chef of the Academy of Valentino Rossi
Read the interview to the new chef of SkyracingteamVr46: the place in the world championship where new talents are competing.